Back No. 503575-LLP-1-2009-1-LT-GRUNDTVIG-GM



Before starting the mentoring process it is very important to prepare 3M-actors for the successful participation in the process. Three different trainings at different stages should be organised:

  • the training for mentoring managers/coordinators before the start of the mentoring process;

  • the training for mentors before the first meeting with mentees;

  • the training for mentees after/during the first meeting of the groups.

The main aim of the training for mentoring manager/coordinator is to prepare them to be the successful mentoring managers/coordinators and organise the whole mentoring process from the selection of mentees to the preparing the monitoring conclusions and possible improvements for the future mentoring.

During the training of the mentors they are prepared to be the good listeners, good conflict solvers, ask suitable questions and be the leaders in the process. The main aim of this training is to help them understand how important the mentoring process is and to learn their roles in the process.

After/during the first meeting of the groups the training for mentees is organised in order to prepare them for their role as a mentee in the social group mentoring process and to equip them with the skills needed for successful participation in the process: good communication skills, learn to work in the group, be tolerant and respect each other’s opinion.

Training for mentoring managers/coordinators

Aim: to prepare participants to be the successful mentoring managers/coordinators in the social group mentoring process.

Learning outcomes:

  • to help mentoring managers/coordinators learn about the mentoring process, learn about the stages of the process, get acquainted with their role as a manager/coordinator and learn how to organise the whole mentoring process from the selection of mentees to the preparing the monitoring conclusions and possible improvements for the future mentoring.

Training for mentoring managers/coordinators should cover the following topics:

  • getting acquainted with the other coordinators;

  • information about the mentoring program;

  • expectations concerning the mentoring program;

  • aspects of the selection of the mentees and mentors;

  • aspects of forming the mentoring groups and matching the ideal mentor for the group;

  • providing training for mentors and mentees;

  • mentoring manager/coordinator main skills - good listener, asking suitable questions, communicative and conflict solver;

  • useful tools to support the mentoring process (contract, diary, minutes);

  • collecting monitoring results and preparing conclusions for the improvement of future mentoring process.

It is recommended to offer two training sessions of five hours.

The following session plan for the mentoring managers/coordinators could be used:

1st training day



Task for trainer


Resources needed


Introduction of the topics and presentation of training aim and agenda

To welcome the participants, to get acquainted with each other, to introduce the training.

Introduction of participants

  • personal and professional background

  • experiences in mentoring, with the target group and with their situation

  • welcome participants

  • present information

10 min.

Trainer input

To acquaint the participants with the concept of the mentoring.

  • Give main definition and aims of mentoring and group social mentoring

  • Present the roles and responsibilities of the 3M actors

  • Acquaint with special needs of mentoring for single target group

40 min.

PPT presentation, laptop, beamer

Individual work

To structure important information about the own life and to reflect expectations concerning the mentoring program.

Ask participants to write down on the cards their expectations concerning mentoring:

  • why do I want to be a mentoring manager/coordinator, what do I expect in general

  • what skills do I have which could be useful for the mentoring manager/coordinator 

  • what should not happen for sure

  • what is my own benefit

30 min.

Cards on pin board

Group work

To cluster the results, find common answers and discuss the results

  • Ask participants to form small groups and to cluster the cards on pin board with the answers to the questions from the previous task

  • Ask to present the results and discuss them with other groups

30 min

Cards on pin board


20 min.

Trainer input

To acquaint the participants with the main aspects of selecting the mentors and mentees

Present to the participants:

  • the procedure of selecting the mentees

  • the procedure of selecting the mentors

  • which aspects should be considered in the selection procedure

20 min.

PPT presentation, laptop, beamer

Group work

To prepare for the selection procedure of mentors and mentees

  • Ask participants to form small groups and to prepare two questionnaires – one for the selection of mentees and one for the selection of mentors

  • Ask to present the results and discuss them with other groups.

40 min.

Flip chart paper, pens

Trainer input

To acquaint the participants with the main aspects of forming the mentoring groups and matching of the mentor with the group

Present to the participants:

  • The methods of forming the mentoring groups

  • How to match the ideal mentor for the group

  • which aspects should be considered in the groups forming and matching procedures

20 min.

PPT presentation, laptop, beamer

Trainer input

To acquaint the participants with their role as a trainer for mentors and mentees and present the structure of the trainings

Present to the participants:

  • the structure and main topics of the trainings for mentors

  • the structure and main topics of the trainings for mentees

20 min.

PPT presentation, laptop, beamer

Individual work

To prepare for the matching of mentors with the groups of mentees

  • give to the participants the list of the mentors profiles and the list of mentees profiles with their expectations for the mentor

  • ask participants to form the groups of mentees and match them with the mentors

  • ask the participants to present the results and discuss it with the group

20 min.

List of the mentors profiles, list of the mentees profiles, flip chart paper, pens


20 min.

Trainer’s input

To present to the participants the importance of good listening within the mentoring process.

Present to the participants:

  • styles of listening

  • the definition and the techniques of active listening

  • the rules of proper listening

30 min.

PPT presentation, laptop, beamer

Group work

To strengthen the skills of listening of the participants

  • ask the participants to form the groups of 3 persons

  • first two minutes first person speaks, second listens and makes notes and third only listens

  • after two minutes members of small groups change roles and continues work

  • after other two minutes members change roles again and continues work

  • ask participants to present other their group members and share with others which was the best technique of listening to her.

30 min

Plain sheets of paper for making notes, pens

Closing, feedback

To close the training and get feedback from participants.

  • ask participants for feedback and open questions

  • summarise the first training day and give an outlook for the second day

10 min.

2nd training day



Task for trainer


Resources needed


Presentation of 2nd day training aim and agenda

To welcome the participants, to introduce the training.

  • welcome participants

  • present information

10 min.


presentation of 2nd day training aim and agenda

Trainer’s input

To present to the participants the importance of communication and asking the correct questions when working with mentees and mentors.

Present to the participants:

  • the definition of communication

  • the importance of first impression

  • the stages of communication

  • attentive and inattentive behaviour

  • rules of communication

  • types of questions

30 min.

PPT presentation, laptop, beamer

Individual work

To help the participants to evaluate their communication and questions asking skills

  • distribute the sheets with questions and answers

  • ask the participants to read the questions carefully and choose the correct answers

  • ask to discuss the results within the group and tell which answers are the best

30 min

Sheets with questions, pens, sheet of the best answers

Trainer input 

To present to the participants the main aspects of conflict solving

Present to the participants:

  • the definition of conflict

  • the consequences of the conflicts

  • the causes of the conflicts

  • types of conflicts

  • how to solve the conflict

30 min.

PPT presentation, laptop, beamer

Group work

To strengthen the conflict solving skills of the participants

  • ask the participants to form small groups

  • ask them to perform the conflict and to solve it

  • ask to discuss the results within the group

20 min.

Sheets with the conflicts situations


20 min.

Trainer’s input: mentoring tools

To introduce tools like contract, diary etc. and formal requirements

  • introduce materials (handout for participants)

20 min.

PPT presentation

Group work

To learn to prepare the mentoring contract

  • Ask participants to form small groups and to prepare the structure of mentoring contract

  • Ask to present the results and discuss them with other groups.

30 min

Flip chart paper, pens

Trainer’s input

To acquaint the participants with the organisational aspects of first and last common meetings of mentors and mentees

Present the participants:

  • The organisational aspects of first common meeting of mentors and mentees

  • The organisational aspects of last common meeting of mentors and mentees

20 min.

PPT presentation, laptop, beamer

Group work

To help the participants to prepare for the organising of the final meeting of the mentors and mentees at the end of mentoring process

  • Ask the participants to prepare the questions for the discussions during the final meeting of mentors and mentees

  • Ask to present the results and discuss them with the group

30 min.

Flip chart paper, pens

Trainer’s input

To present to the participants the monitoring process within the mentoring

To present:

  • The purpose of monitoring within the mentoring process

  • The methodology of monitoring

  • The phases of the monitoring

  • The monitoring tools

20 min.

PPT presentation, laptop, beamer


20 min.

Group work

To help the participants to prepare for the monitoring process within the social group mentoring

  • Ask the participants to form small groups

  • Ask them to prepare the final monitoring questionnaire for the mentees

  • Ask to present the results and discuss it within the group

30 min

Flip chart paper, pens


To evaluate the training session

  • ask participants to fill in the evaluation questionnaire

10 min.

Evaluation questionnaire

Closing, feedback

To close the training and get feedback from participants

  • ask participants for feedback and open questions

  • summarise the training

20 min.

Training for mentors

Aim: to prepare participants for their role as mentor in the group social mentoring process.

Learning outcomes:

  • To help the mentors to become acquainted with each other, to learn about the mentoring process, to get acquainted with their role as a mentor and to strengthen good listening, communication, conflict solving, suitable questions asking and leading skills.

Training for mentors should cover the following topics:

  • getting acquainted with the other mentors

  • expectations concerning the mentoring program

  • information about the mentoring program

  • guidelines for mentoring group meetings

  • mentor as a good listener, asking suitable questions, communicative, conflict solver and leader of the group

  • monitoring of the mentoring process

  • useful tools to support the mentoring process (contract, diary, minutes).

It is recommended to offer one training session of six hours.

For the training of the mentors the following session plan could be used:



Task for trainer


Resources needed


Introduction of the topics and presentation of training aim and agenda

To welcome the participants, to get acquainted with each other, to introduce the training.

Introduction of participants

  • personal and professional background

  • experiences in mentoring, with the target group and with their situation

  • welcome participants

  • present information

20 min.

Trainer input

To acquaint the participants with the concept of the mentoring.

  • Give main definition and aims of mentoring and group social mentoring

  • Present the roles and responsibilities of the 3M actors

  • Acquaint with special needs of mentoring for single target group

40 min.

PPT presentation, laptop, beamer

Individual work

To structure important information about the own life and to reflect expectations concerning the mentoring program.

Ask participants to write down on the cards their expectations concerning mentoring:

  • why do I want to be a mentor, what do I expect in general

  • what do I expect from the manager and the mentee

  • what can I offer as a mentor

  • what should not happen for sure

  • what is my own benefit

30 min.

Cards on pin board

Group work

To cluster the results, find common answers and discuss the results

  • Ask participants to form small groups and to cluster the cards on pin board with the answers to the questions from the previous task

  • Ask to present the results and discuss them with other groups

30 min

Cards on pin board


20 min.

Trainer input

To acquaint the participants with the structure and methodology of the mentoring

Present to the participants:

  • how to structure the mentoring process

  • how to structure the single meetings

  • timetable

20 min.

PPT presentation, laptop, beamer

Group work

To strengthen the group work skills of the participants

Ask the participants:

  • to form the groups of three

  • to draw a big triangle on a flip chart paper

  • to write their names by the corners of triangle

  • to write the common things that connect all three members of the group in the middle of triangle

  • to write the individual things outside the triangle by their names

  • to present the results and discuss within the whole group

20 min.

Flip chart paper, pens

Trainer’s input

To present to the participants the importance of good listening within the mentoring process.

Present to the participants:

  • styles of listening

  • the definition and the techniques of active listening

  • the rules of proper listening

30 min.

PPT presentation, laptop, beamer

Group work

To strengthen the skills of listening of the participants

  • ask the participants to form the groups of 3 persons

  • first two minutes first person speaks, second listens and makes notes and third only listens

  • after two minutes members of small groups change roles and continues work

  • after other two minutes members change roles again and continues work

  • ask participants to present other their group members and share with others which was the best technique of listening to her.

30 min

Plain sheets of paper for making notes, pens

Trainer’s input

To present to the participants the importance of communication and asking the correct questions when working with mentees and mentors.

Present to the participants:

  • the definition of communication

  • the importance of first impression

  • the stages of communication

  • attentive and inattentive behaviour

  • rules of communication

  • types of questions

30 min.

PPT presentation, laptop, beamer


20 min.

Individual work

To encourage the participants to think about similar or different values of people which connects or separates them

  • distribute the sheets with statements

  • ask the participants to read the statements carefully and evaluate them in the scale 1-10 and then to choose 3 the most important statements to them

  • ask to discuss the results within the group

20 min

Sheets with statements, pens

Trainer input 

To present to the participants the main aspects of conflict solving

Present to the participants:

  • the definition of conflict

  • the consequences of the conflicts

  • the causes of the conflicts

  • types of conflicts

  • how to solve the conflict

30 min.

PPT presentation, laptop, beamer

Group work

To strengthen the conflict solving skills of the participants

  • ask the participants to form small groups

  • ask them to perform the conflict and to solve it

  • ask to discuss the results within the group

20 min.

Sheets with the conflicts situations

Trainer input

To present to the participants the work’s in with the mentoring group aspects

Present to the participants:

  • how to structure the group meetings

  • importance of setting the communication rules within the group

15 min.

PPT presentation, laptop, beamer

Group work

To prepare for the work with the mentoring group

  • ask the participants to form small groups and to prepare the rules of communication within the mentoring group

  • ask to present the results to the whole group and to discuss it.

25 min.

Flip chart paper, pens

Trainer input: mentoring tools

To introduce tools like contract, diary, monitoring questionnaire etc. and formal requirements

  • introduce materials (handout for participants)

15 min.

PPT presentation, laptop, beamer


To evaluate the training session

  • ask participants to fill in the evaluation questionnaire

5 min.

Evaluation questionnaire

Closing, feedback

To close the training and get feedback from participants

  • ask participants for feedback and open questions

  • summarise the training

10 min.

Training for mentees

Aim: to prepare participants for their role as mentee in a group social mentoring program.

Learning outcomes:

  • 1st training day: To help the mentees to become acquainted with each other and to build mutual trust.

  • 2nd training day: To help the participants to become acquainted with the mentoring program/process and their role as mentee as well as to strengthen their communication skills.

  • 3rd training day: To start the process of group building and to strengthen skills of mentees for communication within groups.

One specific element of group social mentoring is that an effective relationship has not only to be developed between mentor and mentee, but also between the mentees of one group. To be able to speak open about the situation of being social excluded, mutual trust is an essential pre-condition. Therefore, it is necessary that mentees have the possibility to get to know each other quite well. It is recommended to involve mentees in the group building process, and so experiencing themselves as actors - this is a good basis for taking over responsibility for the whole mentoring process later on. Nevertheless, it can be necessary that the final decision about the group stays within the responsibility of the manager.

The approach of the training is mainly interactive and self-reflective. This corresponds with the bottom-up approach of the LIGHT project, aiming at empowerment of the target groups. Following this approach, mentees and mentors share the responsibility for the success of the mentoring process equally. As this process is based on communication, it is essential to strengthen the corresponding skills of mentees.

Training for mentees should cover the following topics:

  • getting acquainted with the other mentees

  • building of groups for mentoring process

  • reflection of own vita

  • expectations concerning the mentoring program

  • information about the mentoring program

  • guidelines for mentoring group meetings

  • communication (esp. how to give feedback)

  • method “peer counselling”

  • useful tools to support the group social mentoring process (contract, diary, minutes).

It is recommended to offer three training sessions of four hours each.

1st training day



Task for trainer


Resources needed


Introduction of the topics and presentation of training aim and agenda

To welcome the participants, to get acquainted with each other, to introduce the training.

  • welcome participants

  • present information

10 min.

Icebreaker exercise

To help participants to become more acquainted with each other and to warm the atmosphere.

ask participants

  • to write a character and a number that is important for them (example: “T” as the first character of their child’s name, “34” for their age) on a tape and put it on their shirt

  • to build teams of two persons and try to find out what “T 34” means by asking questions, which can be answered with “yes” or “no”.

  • introduce the partner to the whole group

50 min.


Trainer (manager) input

To acquaint the participants with the concrete mentoring program.

give information concerning

  • the mentoring program

  • timetable

  • role of manager

10 min.

River of Life”

(individual work)

(group work)

To initiate an open reflection about the own life.

To get to know each other.

  • ask participants to draw their life as a river (important steps, with pictures/drawings/colours, as personal as they like) and to present the pictures to each other in groups of 2-3 participants and ask questions to each other

50 min.

Flip chart paper, pens


20 min.

Preparation for short presentations

(individual work)

To structure important information about the own life and to reflect expectations concerning the mentoring program.

Ask participants to write down on flip chart paper

  • the most important steps of their life

  • their expectations for the mentoring program

  • their wishes and aims for the mentoring program

10 min.

Flip chart paper, pens


To get to know each other more deeply and to practice presentations skills.

Ask participants to present the result in front of the group (3 min. each presentation) and to answer questions

80 min.

Flip chart

Closing, feedback

To close the training and get feedback from participants.

  • ask participants for feedback and open questions

  • summarise the first training day and give an outlook for the second day

10 min.

2nd training day



Task for trainer


Resources needed


Presentation of 2nd day training aim and agenda

To welcome the participants, to introduce the training.

  • welcome participants

  • present information

10 min.

Clarification of role as mentee and expectations

(group work)

To clear up expectations and fears.

  • present the following half sentences on pin board

  • From my mentor I expect that…”

  • My mentor can expect from me that…”

  • Not in any case should happen that…”

  • ask participants to form three groups and make suggestions for completing one sentence per group on the pin board

  • ask each group to complete the results of the two other groups

  • moderate the discussion of results

60 min.

Three pin boards (one for each sentence), pens

Meeting guideline

(group work)

To develop guidelines for the meetings of social mentoring groups as responsibility of the mentees.

  • ask the participants to divide into four groups and to discuss how a meeting could proceed and how commitment can be established

  • ask the groups to present their results (5 min. each)

  • moderate and summarise the discussion of results

50 min.

Flip chart paper, pens


20 min.

Trainer’s input and team work

To train mentees in how to prepare communication rules within mentoring group.

  • trainer input on PPT (communication rules)

  • divide the group in small teams

  • ask the teams to prepare the communication rules in the mentoring group

  • moderate the presentation of results

60 min.

PPT presentation, laptop and beamer


To give the mentees the opportunity to reflect on the impact the training had for their expectations.

ask the participants

  • how their expectations concerning the mentoring process are now

  • how they would like to implement the mentoring process with their group and mentor

  • how they feel about the mentoring now

30 min.

Closing, feedback

To close the training and get feedback from participants

  • ask participants for feedback and open questions

  • summarise the 2nd training day and give an outlook for the 3rd day

10 min.

3rd training day



Task for trainer


Resources needed


Presentation of 3rd day training aim and agenda

To welcome the participants, to introduce the training.

  • welcome participants

  • present information

10 min.

Group building process

Development of criteria for group building

  • ask participants to name criteria for group building (e.g. similarity of problems, similarity or mixture of age, ethnic background etc.) (brainstorming)

  • ask participants to agree on the three most important criteria

  • ask participants to build groups (three times, each time following one of the three criteria): which group constellation felt the best?

60 min.

Flip chart

Trainer input peer counselling

To acquaint the participants with the method peer counselling.

  • trainer input: method peer counselling

30 min.

PPT presentation, laptop, beamer


20 min.

Training exercise “peer counselling”

To gain experiences with the method peer counselling.

  • ask five participants to do the training exercise in the middle of the group (trainer as moderator, choose one case member)

  • ask the other participants to monitor the training exercise

  • ask the training exercise group members how they felt

  • ask the other participants for their feedback

70 min. (exercise)

20 min. (reflection, feedback)

Exercise “peer counselling”

Trainer input: mentoring tools

To introduce tools like contract, diary etc. and formal requirements

  • introduce materials (handout for participants)

15 min.

PPT presentation, laptop, beamer


To evaluate the training session

  • ask participants to fill in the evaluation questionnaire

5 min.

Evaluation questionnaire

Closing, feedback

To close the training and get feedback from participants

  • ask participants for feedback and open questions

  • summarise the training

10 min.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible
for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.